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How Dancing Can Improve a Child's Motor Skills?


As a parent, you may be aware of the significance of physical exercise for your child's development. You know that physical activity helps strengthen their muscles and bones. Moreover, they learn to enjoy the world around them, and finally, it helps channel their endless energy in a positive direction. And while any physical activity is excellent for your kids, we will talk specifically about dance in this post. Dancing is a perfect way that helps you accomplish all three objectives of physical activity.


Let's take a closer look at how dancing can improve your child's development, particularly their motor skills.


Dancing Involves All Muscle Groups

Dancing is a great physical activity through which your child learns how their body can move. As they dance, they experiment with motions including jumping, walking, and sliding along with several other types of movements, including bending and twisting. With all the variety of movements, dancing allows your child to use several types of muscles in the body, which contributes positively to developing your child's gross motor skills.


Moreover, as children learn to move and coordinate their bodies, they also develop spatial awareness, a gross motor skill critical for early childhood development.


Your Child Learns More About Coordination

With dancing, your child also learns more about body coordination. Different dance moves require the use of different muscles, and with each movement, your child learns how to maintain balance while using large and small muscles, all at the same time. As a result, dancing helps teach your child how the mind and body can work together.


It Helps Develop Fine Motor Skills That Are Critical at School

Dancing also helps develop fine motor skills, which is the coordination of small muscles with other senses. Synchronization of fingers and hands with eyes is an example of fine motor skills. Fine motor skills allow your child to control small muscles while moving, which play an essential role as your child learns to write at school. 


If you have a toddler or child at home and looking for ways to boost their motor development, try incorporating dance into their everyday schedule. Dancing not only facilitates your child's motor development but also enhances their creativity, memory, social and emotional skills and brings several other benefits. With all these advantages of dancing, why not enroll your child in a dance class where they can discover their true potential and give a boost to their early childhood development. At Dance Discovery, your child can learn several types of dances that bring the benefits they can enjoy forever. To try our dance class, get in touch now.